Showing posts with label Comprehension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comprehension. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Turn Failure into Success - Reading Comprehension - IELTS/NTS/CAT/SAT/GRE/GMAT Test Preparation Series

Turn Success into Failure Imagine success as a tenth ladder. The nine of the rungs are going to be failures and only the tenth one will lead you to eventual success. But does that mean, the first nine are a waste of time? Success is composed of nine parts failure and one part success. It's like the tip of the Iceberg that everyone can see while the actual mass of the Iceberg stays submerged, is the base of the Iceberg called success which is actually the long-term effort that went into achieving it. You are accumulated along the way, and persistence should happen when things go sideways on the path to your goal. One of the best ways to change your attitude towards failure is to get to know about people who have gone through it. Some of my favourite examples include: 

J.K. Rowling, in her Harvard commencement address, Rawling talks about the fringe benefits of failure. Among them, she mentions her feeling as left her feet to pursue what she really wanted. However, she gave herself permission to focus all her energies on her passion for finishing the book that would become Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. If she has succeeded at a so-called normal life, Harry Potter would not exist today. Rawlings speech is easily available online in one of the most inspiring reflections on the topic of persistence and failure. 

Jack Ma is one of China's wealthiest people. He is also a philanthropist, and the founder of the Alibaba group one of the world's biggest E-Commerce companies. But when he was first trying to build his career he failed his entrance exam twice. He was later rejected from at least 30 jobs applied for. Not only that, his application to Harvard was rejected 10 times. With his mission mark attitude, he became the epitome of success achieved through massive failures. According to Ma, in the world if you don't give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure. 

 Courtesy: DAWN Young World

Q1: Select the most appropriate synonym for the word, ‘rung’.

  1. level

  2. bar

  3. crosspiece

  4. rod

Q2: Which of the following statements is false.

  1. Jack Ma is one of China's wealthiest people.

  2. Rawling talks about the fringe benefits of failure.

  3. Jack Ma is the founder of Alibaba group.

  4. Rawling’s application to Harverd was rejected 30 times.

Q3: Select the most appropriate antonym for the word ‘pursue’.

  1. Persist

  2. Ride

  3. Shadow

  4. Trace

Q4: Jack Ma belongs to ….

  1. Pakistan

  2. Iran

  3. China

  4. Afghanistan

Q5: Which attitude leads to the greatest failure?

  1. Persistence

  2. Giving up

  3. Focus

  4. Hard Work 

Q6: Who is the author of Harry Potter and The Philospher’s Stone.

  1. Jack Ma

  2. J.K. Rowling

  3. Mark Twain

  4. Charles Dickens

Q7: Which of the following statements is true.

  1. If she has succeeded at a so-called normal life, Harry Potter would exist today.

  2. Jack Ma is one of Afghanistan's wealthiest people.

  3. Giving up is not the greatest failure.

  4. He became the epitome of success achieved through massive failures

Q8: From where you can easily access the J.K. Rowling speech?

  1. Online

  2. Library

  3. Book

  4. Passage

Q9: How many times did Jack Ma’s application to Harvard get rejected?

  1. 10

  2. 20

  3. 30

  4. 40

Q10: According to the passage, which of the following examples is quoted for the better understanding of the long-term effort?

  1. Iceberg

  2. Ocean

  3. Sea

  4. Cage

Friday, 8 January 2021

Winners and losers

The writer approached the title from the general point of view that the terms 'winners and losers' do not deserve the importance given to them by the world. He goes on to argue that it is not important to win or to lose. Also, he relates that the terms are not always correctly used. Winners may be losers while losers may actually be winners. This is an unusual way to look at the terms. We may not agree with the views, but must admit that the points are well argued.

A casual look at the world reveals that there is competition everywhere. This is evident in every area of life – ranging from games to work. There seems to be one mad rush everywhere where we try to work. Often, it does not matter who perishes why we succeed or lose. It does not matter who loses as long as it is not we who lose. This mad rush in every area of life divides the world into winners and losers. almost everyone is categorised as one or the other; to be admired for despising; to be befriended or to be ostracised; and to be emulated or avoided. One is prompted to ask: Is winning and losing really important? Is being a winner or a loser all there is to life?

History lesson two stories by so-called successful people, we see that not all of them considered themselves winners. frequently there have been cases where people who have been labelled successful Businessmen have lost their families through divorce; all have lost their health through overworking together the wealth. Can we call such people winners? the people probably do not think so. one such person is Elvis Presley. in the world of pop music he was the king a definite winner; but Alice, his personal life was far from successful. he lost his family and his health and died miserably from drug overdose for stop his end was beautiful yet he had was twelfth at his disposal for stop one is sure that the king would have gladly traded all his wealth for a loving family life.

Of course this is not to say that it is good or even acceptable to be a loser. no man should be poor or a failure life. it is of no credit to anyone if he were to hand to mouth, or be homeless or basic or unsuccessful in family life. In fact, with all the joy and happiness that we see in the world around us, it is an insult to humanity that there should be people who are poor all users in life. however the fact remains that not many people who consider themselves loses actually are. Many people who call themselves lose aathvan what they set out to our winners dash if only it takes honest looks and their situations. For example people who come in second place in Olympic events burst into tears – who could come in second place in Olympic events burst into tears – apparently because they did not become number one. Can they be considered loses? surely it is a sign of success that they are in second place dash in comparison to many others. they simply should congratulate the person in first place and still consider themselves as many hours to some degree. recently there was an amusing advertisement for stop a lady observed that there are only 12 supermodels in the world and 2 billion women who are not. Surely, they are not all losers; but then again they are not without beautiful stop none of us have to be winners and losers. we should be happy enough to be ordinary humans in this beautiful world and find happiness in small things, like the smile of a child or the fragrance of a flower or the smoothness of a stone on a beach for stop life is certainly not about only for those considered winners by popular standards; 9 is life to be excluded for so called losers. Life is for all of us. we do not have to follow the popular tendency to label people as winners and losers.

Total words: 593 words

Monday, 4 January 2021

A visit to an Amusement Park

This is a very simple story about how the protagonist took his old active nephew to an amusement park. The opposing force is Gary and the problem for the hero is how he was going to keep Gary amused so as not to be blackmailed by him. We see the hero suffering at every stage but he survives a sudden change in his opinion about the Little Tyrant that took place at the end of the story. In fact, it ends with some tenderness first of the gentle humor as a Spice to the story.

A visit to an amusement park.  Gary was Evil personified. I had realized that long ago, even then, I had not realized the extent to which you would go. At five years old he was the youngest blackmailer I had ever known. He pointed to something through the window first of a proposed cautious to see what he was pointing at. In the distance for the Ferris Wheel. I had no intention of going to the Hog and amusement park that afternoon and said so. Then he sprang his surprise: " If you don't take me, I will tell grandma about your talking to aunty Agnes." I felt cold. Agnes was the daughter of the chicken rice seller downstairs and schoolmate. I was very interested in her. In fact, I was crazy about her -especially two deep  dimples. I had spent half an hour talking to her and had made a mistake of telling Gary not to tell Grandma. This was because I had violated family rule number 1: No girlfriends until after A level. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea I caused the devil. I took the little devil by the hand and went out reluctantly.

The amusement park he wanted to go on every ride. I am sure I would be using up my entire month allowance. Naturally he wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel first. Everything went well until we reached the top first and he wanted to stop and started screaming. I tried to explain that we could not; then he tried to climb over. The operators screamed. When we finally got off, I was given a talking to. Then it was the midget cars.  He insisted on driving alone. I could only watch helplessly as he rammed his car into every other car on the platform. He set a few heads spinning and a few people shaking their fists angrily at him. I got him out of there as soon as his car stopped. Slipped into the crowd.  In an attempt to get a, I bought tickets for the ghost train and slipped into it quickly. I was pleased with myself: who is going to get the square of his life." that will teach him to blackmail his dear, sweet uncle," I thought. I will see really disappointed: none of the scary items in the Ghost Train could scare the young fire-eater.  In fact he was amused and laughed out loud at every one of them.

That whole afternoon he was tireless. In fact I was running out of energy as I tried to keep up with him and I was one of the fittest in my school. I think we must have gone through every ride at the muse mint Park that a. I did not have enough money to pay for rides for myself: all I had was enough for Gary. I spent every dollar I had for stop finally he was exhausted at about 5 p.m.. it was time to go back home for dinner; I was relieved. He was too tired to walk so I lifted him up and walked home at a steady pace.


I thought struck me: this was what my parents must have gone through when I was 5 years old; perhaps even worse. I placed my hand on Gary's back. with the sudden movement he kissed my cheek first off I felt warm and love. Suddenly I realized that he was not a devil at all. He was just an overactive 5 year old; just like I would have been when I was his age. 

580 words Read to learn more..... An Unsuccessful Shopping Trip

Impact of Senior Citizen On Society

An Unsuccessful Shopping Trip


An Unsuccessful Shopping Trip

As usual in my family, our grandmother assumed the role of leader when it came to Deepavali shopping. The reason was very simple: she had the first strings-literally. We sat around and rolled out a two page shopping list. Grandmother and youth sitting there concentrating intensely with her glasses balanced on the tip of her nose. She wrote slowly and that gave us a lot of time to think carefully.

“Sunday,” announced the Grand Old Lady. When we finished and looked at my sister, the designated driver for all expeditions. My sister nodded and beamed her usual ear-to-ear grin.

Finally, we arrived and we were excited at least 4:00 p.m. approached and were dressed and ready to out before. As they would be in the wake, my grandmother decided not to take our parents along. " they are too old-fashioned," declared Grandma. We agreed. Shopping with Grandma would be more fun and we look forward to it. Our parents were likely to look for the ‘cheapest and the best items’. Grandma looked at Graham and determined as she emerged from her room dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. The slide result did not dampen our spirits as we set off. I wondered why our parents had such broad grains on their faces as we waved goodbye.

It was a bad decision: we only realized that when our car left the CTE and turned into Bukit Timah Road: Sunday was Foreign worker's day! As usual, they were there in their thousands. The field every sidewalk and spill into the main road. Anjali had to drive very carefully to avoid men who walked on the road as if they were walking in their living rooms. Honking was not a factor as apparently all of them were deaf. Some looked curiously and turned their heads away, but did not move inch to give a way. With a great deal of patience and ardent prayer, Anjali managed to drive us to the car park behind the temple. What a hope! There were at least 10,000 of them together there, and they were actually sitting in the car park. Finally she gave up honking at them and turned into Race Course Road. After some clever maneuvers and near murders, we managed to arrive at that Legendary Street. I am still wondering how Anjali did it. We were ready to give up, but the determined looked on grandma's face encouraged us. Suddenly, the reason for our parents' broad cranes dawned on me.


We got out of the car and began the one kilometer walk to the shopping area. We were particularly interested in the clothes shops'. After more clever maneuvering, this time on foot, we managed to arrive. Grandma smiled triumphantly. However, his Triumph was short-lived: most of the shops were closed! Apparently the shop owners had less patience than we did. We looked at our great leader for a sign. He gave a big sigh; the biggest we had ever heard. "Let us get the hell out of here," she said in despair, letting out a swear word. we were glad to agree. 

Pic to cause half an hour to get back to the car stop it was nice to set an air-conditioned comfort. Anjali- the most careful driver I have ever known-  drove so fast on the way home that I was worried. Suddenly grandma said, " next Sunday," we looked at her Incredulously. " Saturday,"  she corrected herself. Enlightened from GCE O'Level Examination Past Paper Book

Impact of Senior Citizen On Society

Impact of Senior Citizen On society

When a new committee is elected for an organization, a wise organization assures that the chairperson of the secretary belongs to the retiring committee set.The reason for this is obvious: there needs to be continuity. When the new committee runs against a snag the members from the old committee will usually be happy to share their experience. The case is similar with grandparents. They ensure that there is continuity in the family. They are the links to the past. They remember when life is simpler and can belt out advice based on experience rather than from theory. Whereas, knowledge and all sorts of technology is available from books and consultants, such simple things like taking a woman to a hospital for delivery is known only through experience then when inserted adept at this type of knowledge.


Grandparents are the Guardians of wisdom. What they are able to share with the younger generation such as their grandchildren is the wisdom of having been there and having done that and gained from it. In my own experience, it was my grandfather who taught me that there was more to life than watching TV. I learn that reading is a fascinating pastime from my grandfather. My father hardly read at all. Also from my grandfather I learnt to enjoy the class 6. I also learnt to love nature because the old man had the time and the patience to take me on long hikes and show me that trees were not just trees. If not for anything else in Singapore, at least grandparents often act as parents replacements. Most of our parents are usually too busy earning a living to do anything else for us; lucky indeed are individuals who grow up with at least one set of grandparents.

I have often seen my parents treating their parents as if they were children to be taken care of. I have often seen my parents especially in moments of stress depending on them, I remember when my sister gave birth. The first of spring comes to mind. My sister was in pain. My mother panicked and called my grandmother, not the doctor. My father just clasped his hands and trade when my grandparents arrived within minutes. I could see the relief on my parents faces. Immediately, the old timers took over. My grandfather reassured my father that all would be well and my grandmother put her arms around my mother to assure that she was there. Then she went to my sister and took her by the hand straight away. My sister seems to sense that all would be well. My grandmother began to time the abdominal convulsions. “The baby will be born by morning,” she announced.We were all there, it was on my friend parents that everyone depended somehow we all felt that since they were there all would be well. As predicted, my niece was born at 3:00 a.m. My grandmother's smile smugly and hugged everyone. 


In any organised society, it is the older people who are in charge, younger are more energetic ones. May be the ones who get things done by the Rains of power are held by the elders. This is true in so-called primitive societies as well as in powerful countries with organised governments. Many world leaders are grandparents or at least people who are older, this is an indication that wisdom not knowledge alone is required for effective leadership. 

Enlightened masterpiece from GCE O’Level Examination Past Papers

598 words.


Thursday, 19 November 2020

Argue For Your Limitations Comprehension

Many people spend a great deal of energy arguing for their own limitations; “I can't do that,” “I can't help it, I’ve always been that way,” “I will never have a loving relationship,” and thousands of other negative and self-defeating statements.

Our minds are powerful instruments. When we decide that something is true or beyond our reach, it's very difficult to pierce through this self-created hurdle. When we argue for our position it's nearly impossible. Suppose, for example, you tell yourself, “I can't write.” You’ll look for example, to prove your position. You’ll remember your poor essays in high school, or recall how awkward you felt that last time you sat down to write  a letter. You’ll fill your head with limitations that will frighten you from trying. In order to become a writer or anything else, the first step is to resilience your greatest critic - you.

What is the first step towards the greatest critic?





Who is your greatest critic?





I had a client who told me, ‘I will never have a good relationship. I always screw them up.’ Sure enough, she was right. Whenever she met someone, she would, without even knowing outlook for reasons for her new partner to leave her. If she were late for a date, she would tell him, “I am always late.” If they had a disagreement, she would say, “I am always getting into arguments.” Sooner or later, she would convince him that she wasn't worthy of his love. Then she would say to herself, ‘See, it happens every time. I’ll never have a good relationship.’

She had to learn to stop expecting in the act of arguing for her own limitations. When she started to say, “I always do that,” she needed instead to say, “That’s ridiculous. I don't always do anything.” She had to see that arguing for her limitations was just a negative habit that could easily be replaced with a more positive habit. Today, she is doing much better. When she reverts to her old habit, she usually laughs at herself. 

  1. According to the passage, what happens when she revert to her old habits?

Curse herself

Stop herself

Laughs herself

Screams herself

  1. Which of the self-defeating sentences is not listed in the passage?

I can't do that

I can't help it

I will always been that way

I can’t speak

  1. What is the best suitable synonym for the word ‘ridiculous’.





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Choose Your Battles Wisely (Advice)

Choose your battles wisely is a popular phrase in parenting but is equally important in living a contented life. It suggests that life is filled with opportunities to choose between making a big deal out of something or simply letting it go, realizing it doesn’t really matter. If you choose your battles wisely, you’ll be far more effective in winning those that are truly important.

Certainly there will be times when you will want or need to argue, confront, or even fight for something you believe in. Many people, however, argue, confront and fight over practically anything, turning their lives into a series of battles over relatively ‘small stuff’. There is so much frustration in living this type of life that you lose track of what is truly relevant. 

The tiniest disagreement or glitch in your plans can be made into a big deal if your goal (concious or unconscious) is to have everything work out in your favor. In my book, this is nothing more than a prescription for unhappiness and frustration. 

The truth is, life is rarely exactly the way we want it to be, and other people often don’t act as we would like them to. Moment to moment there are aspects of life that we like and others that we don't. There are always going to be people who disagree with you, people who do things differently, and things that don't work out. If you fight against this principle of life, you’ll spend most of your life fighting battles. 

A more peaceful way to live is to decide consciously which battles are worth fighting and which are better left alone. If your primary goal isn't to have everything workout perfectly but instead to live a relatively stress-free life, you’ll find that more battles pull you away from most tranquil feelings. Is it really important that you prove to your spouse that you are right and she is wrong, or that you confront someone simply because it appears as though he or she has made a minor mistake? Does your preference of which restaurant or movie to go to matter enough to argue over it?  Does a small scratch on your car really warrant a suit in small claims court? Does the fact that your neighbour won't park his car on a different part of the street have to be discussed at your family dinner table? These and thousands of other small things are what many people spend their lives fighting about. Take a look at your own list. If it's like mine used to be, you might want to reevaluate your priorities.

If you don't want to ‘sweat the small stuff,’ it's critical that you choose your battles wisely. If you do, there will come a day when you’ll rarely feel the need to do battles at all.

(Enlightened from the book, ‘Don't sweat the small stuff.’)

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E-book Readers Comprehension

A growing trend amongst travellers is the usage of e-books. The question is that is this trend just a passing fancy or here for good?

E-books have a number of attractions. Some of them are free, some can be downloaded at a lower price which is an added advantage because money saved can be utilized on other things. Time and hassle can be saved by avoiding trips to bookshops. Books can be bought and paid, for at home. Moreover, storage space can be saved. While travelling the reader can carry the entire library instead of having to choose a few books.

E-books are a boon for those who are short sighted or have vision issues, for the size of the print can be increased and hence they can avoid having to squint or not being able to read at all. Lights can also be attached to the e-readers to facilitate reading. Users can also add personal touch to their readers by buying covers of their choice. Moreover, teachers and parents who feel that children do not develop reading habits may hope that they find the idea fascinating enough to take up reading. The frustration of finding the place in the book has also been overcome for the reader starts from the point where the person stopped reading.

However, there are people who are critical of e-readers. They feel that e-readers will lead to closing down of libraries which will be great loss to society. Downloading may be cheaper but the initial cost of e-readers is high as they are linked to computers which are expensive. This is viable for those who can afford them but not everyone can. If libraries are close down it will be a loss for those who cannot afford them or do not have the technological know how.

The satisfaction and pleasure of owning books cannot be replaced. E-readers cannot replace the satisfaction of holding a real book nor swapping of books with friends. Students are unable to annotate e-books or use them for cross-reference.

Buying e-books requires precise prior information while browsing in a bookshop may lead to finding required book. It would be sad if  bookshops had to chose down because they could not compete with e-books either due to lack of costumes or their reluctance to pay the higher price they charge. There would be more jobless people. It is early to state whether the  effects of e-readers would be negative.

(Reference book: GCE O’Level 2004 -2015)


How can a money be saved from the e-books?

E-books can be downloaded

E-books are for cross reference

E-books requires no storage

E-books needs less search


According to the extract, which of the following attractions of the e-books is not listed in the passage?

They are time saving

They are hassle free

They are downloadable

They all are free-of-cost


Which of the following elements can not be saved from the e-books?




Storage space


How can you add a personal touch to the book of their choice?

Buying covers of their choice

By rephrasing the content

By commenting on the book

By replacing the real book


What is the fear of the critics for the e-book users?

Time saving

Rise in unemployment


No cross referencing


What can not be replaced by an e-book?


What is early to state?

Closure of the libraries

Rise in unemployment

Replacement of real book

Effects would be negative


Select the most suitable synonym of the word ‘boon’.


Who will suffer if the libraries would close down?






List any two advantages and disadvantages of the e-book readers.

(Answers can be submitted in comment box)

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