Friday, 28 February 2020

Book Review - Reading Comprehension

Comprehension Passage
Minnie Storybook Collection
(Book Review - DAWN Young World January 25, 2020)

Minnie Mouse is not just an ordinary character in Disney’s Universe; in fact, she is one of the most important ones. In Minnie Storybook Collection, the readers get to know how Minnie makes a difference, be it in a mystery story, a fairy-tale or one that takes them on a chase that ends in neither a win nor a loss. It isn’t very easy to keep her out of the action and in all six adventures, she comes out as the winner!
With her friend Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy and Pluto, Minnie takes the readers on a journey where they had not gone before. In their first adventure in this book, The Missing Brownies, Minnie takes some fresh brownies to a party which goes missing before they could be served. Who was behind the scheme and how did Minnie and her gang solve the case was both interesting and entertaining, as everyone was a suspect!
In The Flower Mystery, Minnie again goes out in search of the person who very smartly stole a flower from her collection; in The Lost Dog, Minnie and friends go out to find Pluto who seems to have been dog napped while under the care of Minnie Mouse. Increasing plot, isn’t it?
After these three mysteries, there is Minnie’s New Hat where she loses her favorite hat and chases it around the streets in a car while it is floating in the air. No, she doesn’t get it in the end but it ends up in a better place for sure. And finally, there are the two Minnie Mouse versions of Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Minnie where the plot deviates a little because of Minnie Mouse who likes to stand up for herself against the witch in the former and Big Bad Pete in the latter, winning the battle with the mind than force. Go, Minnie!
Each and every story in this book is as brilliantly illustrated like a Disney animated series and that’s why people can relate to the stories, as if they are watching TV than reading a book. Everything from the vibrant colors, readable text and understandable language is there to make this book an ideal addition to your collection.

Q1. Match the following with the correct homophone.
1.      New                            a. No
2.      Which                          b. Their
3.      There                           c. Knew
4.      Know                          d. Vary
5.      Very                            e. Witch

Q2. Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. Refer to the text if necessary. Write your answer on the provided space.

1. Who out of the following list is not the friend of the Minnie Mouse on her adventures?

a.       Mickey Mouse
b.      Donald Duck
c.       Daisy Duck
d.      Dragon

6. From which series in the passage the review writer has compared illustration of the Minnie Storybook Collection.

a.       Disney Animated Series
b.      Harry Potter
c.       Jingle Bells
d.      None of the above

2. What happened to the fresh brownies in the party?

a.       Minnie takes fresh brownies to the party which goes missing before they could be served
b.      They all were not could properly
c.       They were tasteless
d.      None of the above

7. Which of the following quality is not listed about this book?

a.       Vibrant colors
b.      Readable Text
c.       Understandable Language
d.      Ample pages

3. In which storybook, Minnie went in search of a person who stole flower from her collection?

a.       Daisy Duck
b.      Ugly Ducklings
c.       Pinocchio
d.      The Flower Mystery

8. Does the Minnie get its new hat in the end?

a.       No
b.      Yes
c.       May be
None of the above

4. Which book is referred to as ‘increasing plot’?

a.       The Flower Mystery
b.      The Happy Home
c.       The Lost Dog
d.      Minnie Mouse

9. In which story do the Minnie search for Pluto?

a.       The flower mystery
b.      The Lost Dog
c.       Little Red Riding Minnie

5. What is floating in the air?

a.       Water
b.      Balloon
c.       Book
d.      Hat

Editable Worksheet for Teachers:
Click here to download above Reading Passage and Questions;

(MCQ prepared by Mahrukh Fatima)

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