Programming Languages and its Translators
1. Define what is a program in terms of computer?
- A program is a set of instruction given to a computer by the user.<\li>
- A computer program is a set of setialed directions telling the computer what to do.
- A program is also known as software. <\ul>
- Machine Language
- Low-Level Language
- High-Level Language <\li>
3. Generations of Computer Languages. <\h3>
4. Difference between Object Code and Source Code. <\h3>
5. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter. <\h3>
6. Difference between High-Level Language and Low-Level Language. <\h3>
6. Terms used in 5G. <\h3>
- Artificial Intelligence : The development of Computer Systems that are able to perform tasks that are normally requiring human intelligence.
- Neural Network: A computer system modelled on the human brain and nervous system. <\li>
2. What is a programming language? Expalin its categories.
A language which is used to make a program is known as programming lanuage of a computer. Programming languages falls into three categories.